Open Gardens Ambassador

  • VO100198


Are you passionate Gardening or have horticultural knowledge? In this role of Community Gardens Ambassador, you'll play a key part in helping to find gardens to open in your local area. You will be a key ambassador for the charity and a link to the gardens.
Key Responsibilities:
Community Building:
• Inspire individuals to open their gardens to the public, creating a unique opportunity for community engagement.
• create connections among community gardens, encouraging the exchange of ideas and collaboration.
Event planning and coordination:
• help to organise and coordinate Community Garden events that showcase the gardens in your area.
• Provide support for garden hosts (you will be provided with resources and support for this), ensuring their success in attracting visitors and generating income.
Promotion and marketing:
• Use your local knowledge to promote Open Garden opportunities and events, and explain why this is important for Muscular Dystrophy UK
• Support the open gardens in their fundraising endeavours.
What you’ll get out of the role:
• Meeting and working with new and inspiring people.
• Developing your communications, fundraising, PR and organisational skills.
• More experience to add to your CV.
• Developing your leadership skills.
• Making a difference to your local community by raising funds and the profile of MDUK in your community.
• Having fun, sharing your enthusiasm and doing something new.
• Guidance on fundraising, finance and health and safety.
What you’ll bring to the role:
• A passion for gardening or some horticultural experience
• Organisational, communication and time management skills so you can work effectively with a wide range of people.
• The ability to work well with staff and other volunteers as part of a team but also able to work on your own initiative.
• Honesty, reliability, passion and enthusiasm.
• Ability to respond proactively to new opportunities.

Organisation aims and objectives

Our main aim is to raise money to fund research to find the causes of and cures for muscular dystrophy. To support those who are or have suffered from any form of muscular dystrophy.

Frequency and commitment details

6 months/throughout summer - 2 -4 Hours a week


Minimum age: 16


Expenses paid: Yes
Expenses details: 45p per mile approved in advance
Support: Named Contact For Volunteer