Friends of Riversid Park

Riverside Park will be a welcoming Greenspace in the heart of Glenrothes. We will protect and develop its diverse landscape for the local community within Glenrothes, for visitors from further afield and for future Generations to enjoy”

We hope that our group, consisting of ordinary members of the community, by influencing decisions about the park, will help ensure that the future of the park is a bright one.

We also hope that encouraging more people into the park, by running events and promoting the park, will improve the wellbeing and enjoyment of more of the community.

Current opportunity

Friends of Riverside Park (FORP) are a group of committed volunteers working towards improving the park for the use of the whole community. They are involved in planning for the future of the park, as well as keeping existing amenities in good shape. To support with this, the group are looking for additional committee members. Typically, this role will involve: -Working and consulting with Office Bearers -Inputting decision making -Attending FORP meetings regularly -Identifying improvements within the park -Supporting to organise & run events -Taking an active involvement in events