A Heart for Duns

Current opportunities

Have you ever fancied working behind a bar or did you work behind the bar at college, do you miss it? We are on the look out for new behind the bar volunteers to join our team and help out at the many varied events that take place in Duns Volunteer Hall. Events range from movie nights to live music, comedy nights to murder mystery. The times and days that bar staff are required also vary so can fit around you. You do not have to commit to a set number of hours, just as many or as few as you can manage. No experience is necessary as you will be given in house training and be partnered with an experienced volunteer. So get in touch to find out more. Not only will you learn a new skill (or rekindle an old one) you will also make new friends and have fun. Role Description : • Grab your apron, check fridge lights are on and familiarize yourself with the stock and price lists. • Turn on bar lights and open shutter. • Serve customers with a smile. • Use the tablet/till/card machine provided, as instructed. • Clear any dirty glasses into glass washer. • At the appropriate time collect empty glasses from tables and load washer. • Once washer is finished put clean glasses back on shelves. • Restock fridges when you get a chance. • At the end of the evening collect all glasses and fill/empty washer. • Close and lock shutter. • Turn off bar counter lights. • Clean bar surfaces. • Congratulate yourself on a job well done.

From Mama Mia to Top Gun, our Community Cinema has screened many a blockbuster at Duns Volunteer Hall. Do you want to see more? Well now’s your chance to get involved. Get in touch to find out more. Not only will you learn a new skill (or rekindle an old one) you will also make new friends and have fun. Role Description : • Contact the movie supplier to see what new movies are coming up. • Select movie and confirm date for future movies. • Book date with A Heart For Duns • Help to set up on movie night. • Enjoy the movie.

Did you know that if you volunteer to help out on the ticket desk at any of the many varied events held at Duns Volunteer Hall you get to stay for the event, for free? We are looking for a team of people who would like to meet and greet people and check tickets as they enter the hall. You choose which event you would like to help out at from the many varied events held throughout the year. No experience necessary as you will be given full training and partnered with an experienced volunteer. Get in touch to find out more. Not only will you learn a new skill (or rekindle an old one) you will also make new friends and have fun. Role Description: • Arrive early and ensure the ticket table is all set up with cashbox, ticket list, pens etc. • Meet and greet people with a smile. • Check off names against the ticket list. • Wish everyone an enjoyable night/event. • Take your seat and enjoy the show/film.

Did you know that if you volunteer to help out at the refreshment/sweet shop at any of the many varied events held at Duns Volunteer Hall you get to stay for the event, for free? We are looking for a team of people who would like to help sell sweets and drinks at our community cinema nights and other events in the hall. You choose which event you would like to help out at from the many varied events held throughout the year. No experience necessary as you will be given full training and partnered with an experienced volunteer. Get in touch to find out more. Not only will you learn a new skill (or rekindle an old one) you will also make new friends and have fun. Role Description : • Ensure tables are set out in the hall. • Obtain cash float and check. • Get stock sweets from store and display on table. • Coffee machines to be filled with water and coffee grounds and flask of hot water for tea, milk etc. • Familiarise yourself with prices in case of changes. • Serve customers with a smile. • Clear away surplus stock at the end of sales. • Note any stock shortages and leave a note or report to Events Manager. • Enjoy the show.