Shetland Cat Rescue

Charity registered in Scotland SC052820

To promote good standards of welfare for cats in Shetland.

  1. To offer assistance and advice to people in Shetland regarding the welfare of cats.
  2. To offer practical support to people in Shetland who are experiencing difficulties with the care of cats.
  3. To reduce the numbers of unowned or unwanted cats in Shetland by promoting neutering, Trap, Neuter and Return to site programmes or rehoming where appropriate.
  4. To treat all cats with respect and never euthanise a healthy cat.
  5. To raise funds to enable the organisation to achieve its objectives effectively, efficiently and economically within those funds available.

Encourage and assist with the neutering of cats. Trap, Neuter and Return of feral cats .Fostering cats while
they are awaiting rehoming or when the owner is temporarily unable to care for the cat eg fleeing domestic
Home checks to assert the suitability of prospective new owners.
Rehoming cats handed in to the organisation.
Educating people in good welfare practices for cats.
Practical assistance to cat owners to provide care for their cats.
Work in partnership with other organisations who deal with animal welfare or disadvantaged people.
Fundraise to provide finance to achieve the organisation's activities and objectives.
Obtain licences for fosterers to be able to care for the cats taken in by the organisation to comply with the Animal Welfare (Scotland) Regulations 2021.Obtain a licence to permit Trap, Neuter and Return to site activities for feral
cats, in compliance with NatureScot.
Develop a network of volunteers, throughout Shetland.
Provide practical support to people who are experiencing difficulty caring for their cat or cats. Offer advice and
support to people with a variety of cat related problems eg behavioural, transport, knowledge.
Support for people to enable them to keep or have a cat. This is known to improve mental health and relieve
isolation which leads to improved physical health and wellbeing.
Alleviate the problems caused by feral cat overpopulation and unowned stray cats to people and neighbourhoods.
Education of any members of the public, especially new cat owners, in the care and welfare of cats in order
to promote good levels of cat welfare and hence enhance relationships between owner and cat.
This will be achieved largely by informal, one-to-one sessions or to small groups of people and will be led
by the learning needs of the individual members of the public.
The objective of the learning experience will be to increase the participants level of understanding of how to
provide a suitable environment and care for their cat. This will achieve a good relationship between owner
and cat and assist to rectify behavioural problems and promote the seeking of veterinary care if required

Current opportunity

A wide range of opportunities are available and include: Fosterers – a spare room to care for a cat until a new home is found. All equipment and food etc provided. Home checkers – visiting prospective new cat owners. Fostering support and co ordination – helping fosterers and organising cat food distribution, equipment etc Equipment inventory – keeping an up to date list of all equipment and its location. Helpline – taking phone calls from the public. Food store coordinator – making sure fosterers have sufficient food of an appropriate type and caring for supplies. Kitten socialising – assisting fosterers to socialise young kittens to meeting different people and get used to them. TNR Trap, Neuter and Return – trapping feral cats, taking them to the vets to be neutered and then releasing them back to site. Involves learning about the colony and getting them used to being fed in a trap; arranging neutering with the vets; keeping the cats safe until fully recovered and able to rejoin the colony; arranging for kittens young enough to be socialised to be fostered. Transport – cats to vets etc; goods and equipment to where needed. Collecting and sorting donated goods. Storing donated goods, equipment and cat food. Fundraiser – to organise fundraising events. On line auctions – organise online auctions of donated goods. Stall helpers – assisting on stalls. Crafts – making crafts to sell. Grant applications – find and apply for appropriate grants and funding. Sunday tea staff – assisting at Sunday teas. Trustee – joining the trustees. Marketing. DIY – DIY skills to help maintain pens and equipment