1st Aith Rainbows and Brownies

We help all girls know they can do anything. Rainbows welcomes girls from 4-7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space. Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure.

Current opportunity

Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space. Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure. The girls who attend Rainbows and Brownies in Aith are particularly fond of messy crafts and any games that gets them moving. Currently, we have 23 Rainbows and 26 Brownies who attend meaning that our meetings are busy and energetic. It also means that to run safely we need to ensure that we have enough volunteers to set up, operate our activities and attend to everyone’s needs. Volunteering with us is a fantastic way to build confidence and grow skills. You can make a difference in the lives of girls however long you volunteer with us. This role is open to all genders. You’ll get involved to help run fun weekly meetings with our adult leaders, where girls explore things that really matter in their lives. You could be building dens with 6-year-olds, discovering the wonders of space with 9-year-olds, or helping 12-year-olds create their own campaign. You can set your own goals for your time with us – anything is possible!