North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC029992

The OBJECTS of the TRUST shall be to promote and encourage the
following aims by charitable means but not otherwise:-

(a) To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning
in North Berwick and surrounding areas

(b) To stimulate public interest in and care for the beauty,
history and character of the Royal Burgh and its surroundings

(c) To encourage the preservation, development, improvement and
beautification of features of general public amenity or
historic or ecological interest

Current opportunities

Our mission is to conserve, enhance and celebrate the beautiful town of North Berwick and its setting. We are a very active and growing charity, with several exciting projects on the go, and would love you to join our lively and friendly Committee! We are looking for someone to become our Chair. This is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the charity as we apply for SCIO status, and to make a real contribution to the community and townscape of North Berwick. Please check out our website or get in touch directly if you'd like further information. Welcome aboard!

Our mission is to celebrate, conserve and enhance the beautiful town of North Berwick and its setting! We are growing as a charity and have decided to split the role of Secretary, so now we are seeking a Membership Secretary and a Minutes Secretary to join our friendly and active Committee.

We are looking for a tech-savvy person to help us reach out to our community in new and exciting ways. Our mission is to conserve, enhance and celebrate the beautiful town of North Berwick and its setting. We are a very active and growing charity, with several exciting projects on the go, and would love you to join our lively and friendly Committee! We are looking for someone to manage and develop our website to make it even more attractive and informative, and to create and post items regularly on a variety of social media platforms. This is an important role and will suit an energetic and creative person. Please check out our website or get in touch directly if you'd like further information. Welcome aboard!