East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership

Current opportunities

The Men’s Group will be a new social group for autistic men or men with a learning disability. This will be a safe space in which to talk, take part in meaningful activities and learn life skills. This would be a weekly opportunity to help with this group, taking part in activities that the men are interested in, and possibly working alongside outside organisations to come and give talks.

The supper club runs at Ramekin and Rolling Pin in Lenzie, every Wednesday evening 5-7pm. This is open to our neurodivergent community members. This is an opportunity for them to be supported to cook simple, healthy, inexpensive meals on a budget. Participants always get a chance to share a meal together as well and enjoy the social nature of that too.

EDC Adult Day Services is seeking to develop more opportunities for adults who have autism or are neurodivergent, moving away from solely utilising a building-based resource, to instead ensuring our neurodivergent community members are utilising and making the most of the opportunities that are available in our community. This is an opportunity to become a volunteer befriender for a member of the neurodivergent community who as well as providing more formal support from EDC Day Services would benefit from having a befriender to help support them to develop confidence and social skills and access social opportunities. This could be accompanying them for a coffee, a walk or simply a drive somewhere.