Friends of Seaview Charitable Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC043770

The trust has been set up to provide additional services ,facilities,equipment and support to the Seaview Centre . It has a primary fund raising purpose to enhance existing service to severely disabled children and their families . The trust will work in partnership with the local community to bring greater knowledge and respect for the work of the Centre and to encourage the engagement of local children and young people .

Current opportunities

We are looking for volunteers to be involved in gardening at our garden at Seaview Children’s Unit. Seaview is a residential and respite centre for children and young people with severe needs. Volunteers will work with the gardener to maintain and develop the garden doing weeding, watering, planting, propagation and creative projects. The garden offers a therapeutic space for the children and young people, staff, parents and visitors to Seaview. Gardening experience is not required.

Are you looking for an opportunity to offer your experience and leadership skills to the board of a small but dedicated charity? Friends of Seaview are dedicated to enriching the lives of the disabled children and young people who use Seaview's services. We achieve this by providing therapeutic gardening sessions that help them connect with nature, develop new skills and build confidence. We are looking for people willing to bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role.
I want to volunteer