RESULTS is an international NGO that uses advocacy and campaigning to bring about the end of extreme poverty. We do that by recruiting, training and inspiring hundreds of volunteers around the world to speak up and call for change.

Current opportunity

Are you passionate about ending global poverty? Do you have a couple of hours a month spare? Do you want to meet like-minded people? Do you want to gain skills in campaigning and advocacy? Then why not join the RESULTS Edinburgh campaign group! RESULTS UK is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people. Together we use our voices to influence political decisions that we believe will bring an end to poverty, advocating on issues such as global health and education. Our campaign groups are connected by a passion to end poverty and to take action to influence political decisions. There are 13 campaign groups, and many individual campaigners, who make up the RESULTS UK grassroots network. Each month our campaigners take a well-researched campaign action, which is sent out in our action materials. The 'Call to action' each month is often to write and engage with, MPs and Government Ministers. Who you write to depends on who the RESULTS UK policy and parliamentary teams think you can influence the most! There are often also prompts for taking action on social media or local media. Our recent campaigns include global COVID-19 vaccine equity, effective nutrition programmes and an ongoing campaign to save the UK Overseas Development Assistance (ODA, often known as aid) budget! As well as taking monthly actions, the Edinburgh group regularly joins our monthly conference calls. We discuss the focus of that month's campaign action, and hear an update from around the network. We also welcome an expert guest speaker on the topic of the month. The calls are a great opportunity to learn about international development, ask questions, and connect with other campaigners. It is an exciting time to get involved, meet likeminded people, and join a network of passionate campaigners across the UK! Check out our Welcome Pack for an overview of what getting involved is all about: Email us at We'd Love to hear from you!"