TLC – Befriending Service

At TLC our vision is to see a transformed community where poverty and social isolation are a thing of the past. The TLC Befriending Project provides befriending services for anyone aged 18 and older where our values of Compassion, Purposefulness and Community are central to everything we do.

Current opportunities

We can all feel lonely and isolated at times and those feelings can be more intense and devastating if you are also facing financial hardship. Aberdeen North and South Foodbanks have come together, with funding from the Trussell Trust, to provide a financial resilience service where individuals who require a food parcel can receive money, debt, and energy advice. Aberdeen Citizen Advice Bureau will provide this advice. This service which will support those struggling with financial hardship will be supported by our Befriending Project. Volunteer befrienders will encourage those referred, to engage with the wider project. Our aim is to ensure that our trained and compassionate volunteers provide a lifeline to people, in the form of friendship and offer a helping hand to enable them to engage with the financial support on offer. If you would like to be a part of this holistic service, please apply to become a Volunteer Befriender. Activities include: • To befriend individuals who have used the food bank and who require financial/energy advice from Citizens Advice Bureau advisors and who would benefit from someone to accompany them to their appointment. • To participate in the TLC Volunteer befriender induction programme, and ad hoc training throughout the year as and when required. • To attend 3 monthly volunteer supervision sessions. • Commit to a regular 1hr 30min befriending session each week. • To establish and maintain appropriate boundaries within the befriending relationship. • To ensure that confidentiality is always upheld and be willing to report any concerns, including safeguarding issues to the project co-ordinator. • To work within a non-discriminatory framework. • TLC are looking for befrienders to ideally commit to the project for at least 12months. *(Note: Volunteer befrienders will not be asked or required to meet any personal care needs.) All help makes a real difference and is greatly appreciated. For further information please email us at

Everyone can feel lonely and isolated at times, especially if experiencing hardship. In response to the effects of loneliness and isolation on peoples wellbeing (physical, emotional, social and mental health), that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated, TLC have responded to this need and further developed our befriending service to combat the loneliness and isolation felt by many in our city. Our service is provided to anyone aged 18 years and over in Aberdeen who is experiencing or at risk of loneliness or isolation. Your help as a volunteer would therefore make a real difference. Our expertly trained and compassionate volunteers not only provide a lifeline to people, in the form of friendship, but also a helping hand to reconnect to the community, bringing joy and passion back into people’s lives. If you would like to be a beacon of hope to someone in need, please do apply to join our fantastic team of volunteers. For further information please email us at