International Association for Community Development (IACD)

Charity registered in Scotland SC036090

IACD is the global network for professional community development practitioners, who we support across more than 70 countries to build the capacity of communities to realise greater equality, environmental protection and political democracy.

We are committed to promoting participative democracy, sustainable development, rights, economic opportunity, equality, and social justice, through the organisation, education, and empowerment of people within their communities, whether these be of locality, identity, or interest, in urban and rural settings.

Current opportunity

IACD is the global network for professional community development practitioners, who we support to build the capacity of communities in more than 70 countries to realise greater equality, environmental protection and political democracy. There is an opportunity to take on an important role within IACD as Treasurer. We are looking for someone with a background/experience in accounting, managing budgets and finances who would be interested in joining the board of an international organisation working in the community development field. The IACD has a relatively small turnover (around £30K in 2022-23) and our accountant carries out day-to-day bookkeeping. You would be provided with induction on the organisation’s activities, the responsibilities of trustees, the organisation’s financial processes and the role of the Treasurer. You would work closely with the organisation’s Chair, other office bearers and our part-time administrator. We work co-operatively, supporting each other in an ethos of shared commitment and would aim to make this a highly rewarding experience.