Marie Curie

Charity registered in Scotland SC038736

Every day of your life matters, from the first to the last. We believe everyone living with a terminal illness should be able to get the most from the time they have left, however hard that may sometimes feel. We’ll be here for you and your family when you may feel like no-one else is, to help you cope when you don’t know how.

Marie Curie Nurses care for you in your home, when you need them most, day or night. Our hospices are at the heart of communities around the UK. And our trained volunteers and advisers are here for you with practical information and support when you don’t know what to do next or just need to talk. We’ll be by your side with care and support every step of the way, bringing light in the darkest hours.

Current opportunities

Marie Curie are delighted to be launching our Companion at Home service across the Orkney Islands in the summer of 2024. Could you spare around 3 hours a week to help someone in your community? Our Companion at Home service provides vital support to adults living with a terminal illness in the community across the islands. We know that little things can make a world of difference; whether it's sharing a cup of coffee and a chat or some help with small practical matters like picking up shopping or accessing the internet, and our volunteers are there to support people to spend time doing the things that matter most to them. We're looking for volunteers from all backgrounds who enjoy meeting new people and socialising. You will be matched with a person in the community to provide one on one support for up to three hours a week. This will mostly be in the person you are supporting's home, but could also take place in sheltered accommodation or a care home depending on the person's circumstances. You will be providing companionship and a friendly face to people in your community who are most at risk of social isolation, and helping us to make sure everyone who is affected by a terminal illness receives the support that matters to them and reflects their needs.

Marie Curie are launching a new service to support residents in local care homes across Glasgow and East Dunbartonshire. We know that people who live in residential care can really benefit from having someone to visit them, to provide companionship and support them to take part in activities around the home. Our volunteers will be assigned to a local care home, and will speak to staff at the start of each shift to identify a resident who might benefit from companionship that day. You might be reading to someone, chatting about their memories or helping the person you are with to engage with other activities going on in the care home. This is likely to be taking place in the early afternoon, and you will be part of an exciting new project we are trialing to make sure people who live in a care home are supported and provided with companionship on days when they don't always have a visitor. This is an ideal role for someone who enjoys meeting new people and has great conversational skills. This is also an opportunity to be part of a new approach to supporting care home residents.

Marie Curie Companion is a professional service provided by trained volunteers who offer one-to-one companionship and support to people with a terminal illness and their families. The service would not be able to reach those most in need if it was not for the commitment and hard work of the volunteers delivering the service. Companion Volunteers provide companionship and emotional support, practical support, short breaks for carers and help with signposting for information and support. Your role will include some of, but is not restricted to, the following tasks: Carry out weekly visits with the person(s) you’re supporting, as agreed with the Volunteer Co-ordinator. This could be in a variety of settings, eg family home, a care home or in the community. Provide one-to-one companionship and support. For example: offering a listening ear and spending time engaging in every-day conversation, activities or hobbies with the person you are supporting. Driving clients to pre-arranged health or social care (e.g. to medical appointments) or taking short trips out. Helping with small, daily tasks, e.g. making tea or accessing the internet. Allowing carers to have a short break. You may be supporting your client’s family or carers before or during bereavement. This may involve offering emotional support, signposting to relevant local support services or finding out information as requested (This is only an outline as support will vary according to individual needs. Companion volunteers do not provide nursing or personal care, or offer counselling or advice) Keep your manager informed of any changes to the situation, or any significant happenings in connection to the person you’re supporting and/or their family, either in person or by phone Submit regular visit reports to your manager and update relevant computer systems as required Be reliable and committed to regularly spending time with someone and offering support Attend individual sessions with your Volunteer Co-ordinator, training and group events as required Represent the Marie Curie Companion service positively to those using the service For more information or if you have any questions regarding this volunteer role, please contact the Volunteering Operations Team at

Your role will include some of but is not restricted to the following: Provide a hairdressing service to patients at the hospice Consult staff about which patients would like to use the service Chat to patients Keep the hairdressing room clean and tidy Let staff know about any issues concerning patients well-being Help with other related tasks when necessary