Jewish Care Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC005267

Jewish Care Scotland provides professional social work and volunteer services for Jewish people in need throughout Scotland-supporting over 450 individuals and families. Jewish Care Scotland runs a registered Day Centre, social clubs for active older people, clubs for adults with physical illnesses and for adults with mental health problems.

Current opportunities

As part of the Jewish Care Scotland strategy to connect people to their community and the Jewish culture, the charity aims to deliver the Jewish Telegraph, kosher lunches and essential shopping every week to isolated community members. We are looking for volunteers who have their own car and can help in Giffnock and the surrounding area every week, as well as those who can commit to helping on an ad hoc basis. If you can spare an hour or two each week to support Jewish Care Scotland, just visit The Community Hub website and complete the form: Application to Disclosure Scotland may be required, the cost will be covered by Jewish Care Scotland.

Call on Me involves making welfare calls to individuals from the comfort of your own home. This service aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness and enables people to contribute to, as well as benefit from, the opportunity to connect with others. The project hopes to have a positive impact on the people we support and that both volunteers and call recipients will benefit from increased wellbeing as a result! If you are interested in volunteering with the Call on Me service, you would be allocated individuals to make contact with on a regular basis, at a time that suits you. Application to Disclosure Scotland may be required, the cost will be covered by Jewish Care Scotland.