Quarriers Supported Youth Housing Project

Charity registered in Scotland SC001960

This project has been going since June 2002. The project aim is to develop up to 32 supported tenancies. Young people are offered good quality accommodation in the form of their own tenancies with a support packaged tailored to address the needs of the young people. These needs are highlighted by the young person during the assessment process through to sustaining their own tenancy. The project will work with you through : Independent Living Skills, Tenancy Issues, Personal and emotional Development, Exploring employment and training. This project involvement gives housing associations the confidence to take a chance on young people and the package given to young people gives them the chance to build on their strengths and realise their full potential.

Current opportunity

Quarriers Supported Youth Housing Project is a housing support service for young people aged 16-25 years old who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. We support young people with a wide range of support needs including budgeting, developing independent living skills, addiction, health and many others that could have an impact on tenancy sustainment. We are currently looking for a female Volunteer Befriender for a young person we support, who has four cats, enjoys music, going for walks, photography and is interested in cooking. They can find it difficult to go out by themselves and finds that having someone familiar with them helps them to go out in public places. Therefore, to complement the housing support they receive from us, we are looking for someone who could support them to go out into the community, to accompany them on walks, socials, and any other activities they may be interested in. Main Tasks: •Support with going on wellbeing walks in their neighbourhood and beyond •Assist with finding new, relevant activities and go along with them initially •Help increase their confidence •Build up a positive, supportive relationship •Understand and maintain boundaries •Ensure voluntary activities are undertaken in line with Quarriers’ confidentiality policy Commitment Required About once a week for at least 6 months if possible. Training & support Induction PPE provided Line Manager support 1-1supervisions provided Any relevant training as requested Selection Procedure Application form Chat References PVG checks are mandatory – they are done through Quarriers at no cost to the Volunteer. Expenses Agreed expenses are provided. Expenses related to activities taken while supporting the young person need to be agreed prior to the activity taking place. Taster Session Initially, we would organise a meeting between yourself and the young person, so you have a chance to get to know each other a bit.