Dunnet Forestry Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC033096

to provide recreational, social and educational facilities for the community of Caithness by developing, maintaining and enhancing the community woodland. It is a place with a rich varied wildlife

Current opportunities

Do you have a passion for the environment? you can help with the sustainability of this valued community forest by supporting the group with funding applications. The group relies on Funding to maintain and develop this community asset. Like most charities, funding is essential but can be time consuming and requires specific skills, do you have experience of Funding Applications and can help? You can liaise with the development officer who will offer support and guidance on funding applications?.

Volunteer in Dunnet Forest, helping with general maintenance, tree planting etc. We are expanding our volunteer workdays to include Sundays 11am-2pm. This is an opportunity to give something back and help maintain this valued community Woodland for the public. Why not get out and about, fresh air, meet people and also make a difference?

volunteers to assist with maintenance and practical tasks at Dunnet Forest, Caithness. This is a community woodland supported by volunteers. The green Gym meets Thursdays weekly and is a great way to meet people, get outdoors and make a difference in this wonderful woodland.