Food for your Future

Food for your Future is a community pantry that aims to increase access to food and reduce food waste in the Dunfermline area.

Current opportunity

The Pantry was set up about 5 years ago by four young women. From humble beginnings serving about 30 families, it has grown arms and legs and now serves at times 90-100 families, all administered by a team of up to 10 volunteers. They aim to prevent food going to landfill. To this end they collect food that is approaching its ‘use by’ date, but still within its ‘best before’ date from local shops, bakeries and supermarkets. Members of the community can access food every Thursday and can take 10 items for £2.50. A team sets up the Pantry on Tuesday mornings, and serve customers on Thursdays between 12 noon-1.30pm, and again between 5.00pm-6.30pm. They would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in assisting.