OPEN Project

Charity registered in Scotland SC052681

The OPEN Peer Education Project provides training and support for young adults aged 16-25 to enable them to become peer educators, delivering workshops on issues that they feel are important to themselves and their peers in their local communities, e.g. sexual health and relationships, harm reduction in drugs awareness, young parenting.

Current opportunities

OPEN trains young people aged 16-25 to become peer educators, to deliver workshops and training to other young people across Shetland. The harm reduction issue-based training focuses on various topics: • Online Safety • Drugs • Alcohol • Sexual Health • Positive Relationships • Grooming • Mental health • Change We believe in open minded information – not telling people what to do. We will give you the training and support you need so that you can volunteer as a part of the OPEN team to design and deliver workshops and activates to other young people. If you’re interested in being part of the OPEN project please get in touch!

WHO? Peer Mentoring involves a trained mentor 16-25 years old supporting a young person aged 14-21. HOW? The mentor would meet with the young person regularly to look into, set and work towards a set of goals important to the young person. These goals can be on any topic from increasing confidence to uni applications to talking through their worries. WHATS IN IT FOR YOU? • Build up confidence • Develop leadership skills • Develop communication skills • Develop responsibility • Gain nationally recognised accreditation – Saltire Awards, Dynamic Youth Awards, Youth Achievement Awards • Gives an opportunity to organise, make decisions and use initiative • Provides an opportunity to work with others who need support • Reference for work/university SUPPORT The Peer Mentor will have a key worker assigned to them to provide ongoing and regular support for the entirety of their volunteering. The Mentoring Coordinator will provide 1-1 support regularly and will support each mentoring session.

Main purpose of role: Da Café volunteers can have many different roles, depending on what you want to do and have the opportunity to do. The important thing is that roles are negotiated and agreed with your youth worker. Main Responsibilities: While the Da Café volunteer can have many different responsibilities. There are a set of core values that go with being a volunteer. Your main responsibilities are to: • Behave safely • Not take advantage of your position • Be a positive role model • Be honest and trustworthy • Be reliable • Ask for help when in doubt • Respect any facilities and equipment • Actively promote equal opportunities • Be open and positive • Be constructive • Be proud of what you achieve • Enable other young people to take on more responsibility and encourage them to work up to taking on a Volunteer role too. Some tasks you may be asked to do in Da Café are: • Talk and engage with all young people in the space • Encourage people to take part in games • Spend time talking with those that are alone • Clear up tables of rubbish • Help with the sign in process and handing out vouchers • Take the lead in setting up games or introducing new games or activities • Feed into the evaluation form at the end of the session • Feedback any worries or concerns to the youth worker

The OPEN Project runs a peer education project, peer mentoring project and a youth cafe project and currently falls under Voluntary Action Shetland. We are going to be exploring turning OPEN into an independent, youth-led charity. To achieve this we are seeking Board Members aged 16-29 to direct and oversee our organisation going forward as an independent charity. Board members will receive training opportunities to develop their skills in governance, leadership and decision making.