Dava Way Association

Charity registered in Scotland SC030496

The Dava Way Association came into being in June 1997. The Dava Way path was opened in 2005. The charities objectives are:
For the public benefits, to advance, promote, encourage and facilitate the creation of a cross-country route between Forres and Grantown on Spey along the disused railway (formerly known as The Highland Line), wherever possible, and link routes in the area.
To further health, by encouraging the pursuit of walking and cycling along the route.
To advance the education of the public, regarding the historical importance of the disused railway line.

Most volunteer effort involves the repair and maintenance of the route on the ground.

Current opportunity

One of Scotland's Great Trails, The Dava Way, is maintained entirely by volunteers...Could you join the team for the occasional Saturday? The Dava Way links the 24 miles between Forres and Grantown mostly following the route of the dismantled Highland Railway Line and is used by thousands of walkers, cyclists and horse riders each year. It is maintained by members of the Forres-based Dava Way Association and funded by donations and occasional grants from local and national charities. The Association organises monthly maintenance days to clear drainage and cut back undergrowth and fallen trees so that the path remains usable. As well as maintenance tasks, the volunteers are progressively improving the track as and when funding permits. Key to the ongoing success of the Dava Way is the team of volunteers who give their time to maintain the trail. Please consider joining the team on a regular or even occasional basis.