Youth Vision

Charity registered in Scotland SC040741

Youth Vision is an Edinburgh-based charity, established in 2009. Our aim is to work with hard-to-reach young people who are not engaging with education, employment, or training, and provide support and leaning to develop their inner awareness and self-esteem and support their healthy transition into adulthood. We do this by providing outdoor activities in and around our 18th century farm steading, set in the Pentland Hills Regional Park.

Current opportunity

We are looking for volunteers to work with our community gardening group developing and maintaining our garden. Our community gardening group meets on Fridays. They are responsible for the development of our garden at Threipmuir Farm Steading outside Balerno. They indirectly support our work with young people by planting vegetables which our groups harvest and cook and by keeping the garden under control so that our work can take place in a safe and inspiring environment.