Rowan Alba

Charity registered in Scotland SC036775

Rowan Alba is a charity set up to work with people who are at risk of becoming homeless. We believe that all individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and offer support in a person centred way, with the individual actively involved in planning their care.

We work with older homeless men and women in our supported accommodation and individuals in the community who are having difficulty sustaining their current accommodation. Many of our service users would benefit from more social contact and just having someone to talk to could make a big difference to them.

Current opportunities

Many of our clients who engage with the CARDS Service become curious about or wish to engage in recovery or with dedicated recovery services. In response to feedback from clients and volunteers we now have dedicated Peer Volunteers who themselves are in recovery and have lived experience of that journey and can provide our clients with hope and belief that they can make a positive change.

Human contact is vital. As we are all finding out, without it, life changes. Community Alcohol Related Damages Service is a befriending service run by Rowan Alba. Health care specialists, GP’s, hospitals and mental health services refer individuals to our service. These people, for various reasons have been living the way we experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of them for most of their lives. We need to recruit and train volunteers now so we can respond to those that have been referred to us during this time.

You will be involved in finding out what activities our residents would like to do then help to plan, organize and make it happen for them. You will be running one to one activities with residents but also put on group events. Our aim is to encourage and support our residents to pursue what they enjoy, reduce isolation and hopefully in turn reduce their drinking by engaging them in meaningful activities.