Fresh Start

Fresh start runs a service for people who have experienced homelessness and have recently been offered a tenancy of their own. With the assistance of volunteers, Fresh Start offers both practical and emotional support through a variety of integrated services that are intended to help people manage the transition to independent living and to prevent the cyclical nature of homelessness.

Current opportunities

Being given the keys for a new tenancy after being homeless can seem like a dream come true. But sometimes the dream can fade at the first sight of a flat with stained walls, flaking paint and bare floorboards. This is where Fresh Start’s Hit Squads can help. The Hit Squads are teams of volunteers who will work alongside new tenants in their home to decorate up to two rooms. If you think you can help, then please get in touch with either Chloe (07387 141060) or Sylvia (07955 315340) at Fresh Start.

Unpacking, sorting donations and assigning them to the designated area in the warehouse. Making starter packs – food, crockery, pots and pans, cleaning, bed linens, towels, curtains or toiletries. Keeping the packing and sorting areas safe and tidy. Recycling items as necessary. Working in a team and ensuring warehouse is clean and organised.

Fresh Start's mission is to help people make a home for themselves. This includes independent living skills such as learning to cook healthy food on a budget and broadening knowledge of ingredients and how to use them.

Fresh Start is an Edinburgh charity that provides practical & social support to enable people who have been homeless to successfully resettle in the community. The volunteer driver will drop off starter packs to clients throughout the City of Edinburgh, as well as collecting donations from private and corporate donors throughout Edinburgh and surrounding areas.
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