Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC042128

We are a building preservation trust with responsibility for preserving and maintaining Kirkcaldy Old Kirk, now in our ownership, as a community venue, heritage centre and community music hub. We aim to develop it as an inspirational setting for a wide range of performance and creative arts and heritage activities.

Current opportunities

Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust is responsible for preserving and maintaining Kirkcaldy Old Kirk as a community venue, heritage centre and community music hub. The Trust is looking for a volunteer gardener to help with maintaining the garden. The external flower beds provide an area for quiet contemplation and people enjoy viewing them when they pass the church. The kirk also rents out space to a local café and they have a “secret garden” which can be used by customers. If you enjoy being outdoors and gardening this could be the ideal role for you. Volunteers can be involved in activities such as weeding and general maintenance of the flower beds in the garden, as well as having the opportunity to use their creativity to design the layout of the garden and use different approaches to planting.

Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust are responsible for preserving and maintaining Kirkcaldy Old Kirk as a community venue, heritage centre and community music hub. Do you enjoy bringing history to life, engaging with people and inspiring others? The Trust needs to expand their team and require an Education Liaison volunteer. The Education Liaison Volunteer will create memorable visits for school groups showing them around Kirkcaldy Old Kirk, may conduct research and develop educational materials linked to the Curriculum for Excellence and arrange school visits to the Old Kirk. Activities include learning about the history of the Old Kirk and sharing this with children and young people. You may take visitors up the old tower to ring the bell, conduct “Stories on Stones” graveyard tours or show visitors the highlights of the Old Kirk, including the spectacular stained-glass windows. This is a great opportunity to share your passion for heritage with others.

Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust is responsible for preserving and maintaining Kirkcaldy Old Kirk as a community venue, heritage centre and community music hub. The Trust is looking to grow their team with Visitor Guides. The Heritage Visitor Guide may show visitors round Kirkcaldy Old Kirk, conduct tours of the graveyard or act as an Exhibition Guide. Activities include learning about the history of the Old Kirk and sharing this with visitors. Guides may take visitors up the old tower to ring the bell, conduct “Stories on Stones” tours of the graveyard or show visitors the highlights of the Old Kirk, including the spectacular stained-glass windows. Alternatively, the volunteer may carry out research and help set up exhibitions and new heritage tours. There are also opportunities for volunteers with sewing skills to make costumes for “Living History” events if they wish.

Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust is responsible for preserving and maintaining Kirkcaldy Old Kirk as a community venue, heritage centre and community music hub. This is an exciting opportunity to be involved in helping Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust engage and inform local people. In 2024/5 KOKT hope to restart the programme of musical and theatre events held at the Old Kirk, hosting exhibitions and offering tours of the building. KOKT require an enthusiastic, creative volunteer to use social media to spread the message about their aims and activities. The volunteer could -Design and produce marketing materials and distribute them around the local area -Create and share posts on Facebook and social media to publicise events -Respond to posts and questions -Take photos, create videos and/or podcasts