Fife Gingerbread

Charity registered in Scotland SC024254

Fife Gingerbread seeks to support and empower lone parent, vulnerable and disadvantaged families in need to promote their wellbeing and opportunities. It offers holistic support through various projects, working at the right pace and timescale for the client to overcome barriers such as poverty, isolation, trauma and poor mental health.

Current opportunity

Would you like to make a difference to families and lone parents throughout Fife? FG are looking for compassionate, kind, nurturing people who can spare a couple of hours per week to support families by becoming a volunteer buddy. Buddies help to increase confidence and empower families by offering support and practical help. They give families a friendly non-judgmental person in their life who cares and understands that sometimes the juggle of family life can be tough. From offering a listening ear or going for a walk to helping them connect to their local community or filling out forms. The simplest of acts can have the biggest impact and through this our volunteers help families to build confidence and move forward in their lives. Volunteering is fundamental to Fife Gingerbread and is valued in all of our projects. Volunteers can choose to support more than family or volunteer in other areas of the organisation.