North Harris Trust

Charity registered in Scotland SC033413

The North Harris estate comprises of 25,900 ha. of croft land, common grazings, and open hill ground including An Cliseam, the highest peak in the Western Isles and some of the most remote and rugged terrain in Scotland. The combined estate is bounded on three sides by the sea: East and West Loch Tarbert to the south, Caolas an Scarp and Loch Resort to the west, and the long arm of Loch Seaforth to the east. The northern boundary follows a meandering line tracking the Lewis/Harris border from Bogha Glas, on the edge of Loch Seaforth, to Loch Reasort in the west.The North Harris Trust manages the estate on behalf of the community. It aims to build a stronger community and enhance its wonderful wild landscape.

Current opportunity

The North Harris Trust is currently implementing its Habitat Regeneration Programme, planting thousands of native Hebridean trees in Gleann Lacasdail, Trolamul, and Beinn Tharsainn. All are welcome to volunteer time and energy in helping us support our woodland and biodiversity by coming along to plant birch, alders, rowans, and much more alongside our staff. You can come to help for as long as you wish. This can be a good opportunity to volunteer some time to help the local community, as well as learn about our Duthchas (natural heritage), speak Gaelic - or practice for learners_ do some outdoor work.