Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (Highland)

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society is the global voice for the protection of whales, dolphins and their environment.

Current opportunity

WDCS Shorewatch programme is looking for dedicated volunteers to carry out 10 minute whale and dolphin monitoring surveys ('Shorewatch') from designated watching sites along the Scottish Coastline., and at points in Harris and Lewis. Volunteers will be trained to identify common whale, dolphin and porpoise species found in Scottish waters, use specialised watching equipment and record presence and absence sightings data. The programme aims to provide long term, regular and year-round monitoring at sites of particular interest. With the aim of learning more about how whales and dolphins use these areas; highlighting any changes in distribution and behaviour. By collecting information to help WDCS understand more about whales and dolphins locally, volunteers will be actively contributing to their protection.