Wick Players

Charity registered in Scotland SC019008

To promote the Arts and develop skills in this field

Current opportunities

Volunteers to help in the wardrobe department of Wick Players. Materials provided, sewing creative,craft skills essential. so if you have an interest in Fashion and creative flare then this could be for you!!!

Volunteers with practical Skills to help Wick Players back stage crew. Help with DIY, scenery, moving and handling, painting construction etc

volunteers to help with music for Junior Drama Group, help with musicality, dance or for productions

Wick Players are offering Drama Workshops/ activities/dance for their Junior section to encourage young members age 11-18. this is an opportunity for young people to gain an interest in the Arts and drama, gain social skills and help with confidence. However, they need new volunteers to help with this new group. This opportunity is subject to free PVg disclosure check