VOCAL Midlothian

Charity registered in Scotland SC020755

To provide personalised information and individual support, training/group work, social events and counselling to unpaid carers in Midlothian. Carers can talk to a carer support worker about their support needs, their hopes and goals for the future and work out next steps.

Our Carer Support staff support carers to complete Adult Carer Support Plans and Emergency Plans and our VOCAL Midlothian Wee Breaks Service provides support to carers in planning and accessing short breaks from their caring role(s).

Current opportunity

To support the running of our carer events and activities programme and peer support events. These events are announced quarterly, so you’ll be able to plan in advance which sessions you are available to support. By offering a warm welcome to our visiting carers, you’ll help them relax and feel at ease meaning they get the most from their training or social event. · To provide a warm welcome to carers and professionals on arrival at the venue. · To prepare refreshments for carers attending events · To assist with the dissemination of housekeeping and health and safety information · To keep a register of those at the event for admin and fire safety purposes. · To support carers to participate appropriately in the events · To make a note of any carers enquiries and pass them to the duty carer support team for action