Boys' Brigade

Charity registered in Scotland SC004786

Most sections work with boys from Primary 1 through to Secondary 6 in the local community. Please note that the Roslin section only works with Primary 1-7.

Current opportunities

Our volunteers come along for a couple of hours a week on a Friday evening and get involved in facilitating our varied program for the youths, typical activities include games, sports and arts & crafts. We often participate in competitions, go on outings and arrange camp for our youths. All we ask is that our volunteers are enthusiastic, committed and able to work with children and young people. Being able to work well as part of a small team is beneficial. We have various opportunities for training for our volunteers at local and national level. You can volunteer from 14+ as a Young Leader, with a wider range of roles for those aged 18+. There’s no upper age limit. We really do welcome applications from all ages. All volunteers working with youths are required to have a PVG. This will be facilitated by the company.

Have you ever thought about giving back to your community? Your help could provide a safe space for Children & Young People to go each week to Learn, Grow and Discover. As a volunteer with the Boys’ Brigade you can become involved in helping our leaders facilitate a wide variety of activities for children from Primary 1 to Secondary 6. Our Bonnyrigg Company meet every Tuesday evening from 6.00pm for kids in Primary 1 – 6. Each meeting varies but typical activities include games and sports, arts and crafts and skills-based activities that go toward the achievements programme. Not to mention going on outings and camps! With more volunteers we will be able to do many more activities with more children & young people. All we ask is that our volunteers are enthusiastic, committed and enjoy working with children and young people. Being able to work well as part of a small team is beneficial. All volunteers must have PVG clearance which we will facilitate.

Have you ever thought about giving back to your community? Your help could provide a safe space for Children & Young People to go each week to Learn, Grow and Discover. As a volunteer you will assist our leaders in facilitating a wide variety of activities for children in P1 to S6. Our Loanhead company meet Wednesdays from 6pm for kids in P1 to P6 and Thursdays from 7pm for young people P7 to S6. Each meeting varies but typical activities include games, sports, arts, crafts and skill-based activities that go toward the achievements programme. Not to mention going on outings, camps and participating in local events. With more volunteers we will be able to do more much activities and allow more children & young people to come along and join the fun. All we ask is that our volunteers are enthusiastic, committed and enjoy working with children and young people. We would not expect you to attend both evenings each week but would ask you to commit to attending one regularly. All volunteers must have PVG clearance which we will facilitate.

Have you ever thought about giving back to your community? Your help could provide a safe space for Children & Young People to go each week to Learn, Grow and Discover. As a volunteer with the Boys’ Brigade you can become involved in helping our leaders facilitate a wide variety of activities for children from Primary 1 to Secondary 6. Our Penicuik Company meet every Friday evening from 6.30pm. Each meeting varies but typical activities include games and sports, arts and crafts and skills-based activities that go toward the achievements programme. Not to mention going on outings and assisting with the participation in regional competitions! With more volunteers we will be able to do many more activities and maybe be able to organise more camping experiences for the young people. All we ask is that our volunteers are enthusiastic, committed and enjoy working with children and young people. Being able to work well as part of a small team is beneficial. All volunteers must have PVG clearance which we will facilitate.