Tweeddale Youth Action

Charity registered in Scotland SC036135

Youth project, offering activities and opportunities and support/advocacy for y/p aged 10-25

Current opportunity

As TYA Treasurer you will work alongside our finance team to oversee and monitor our income and expenditure. Previous accountancy/business experience is preferred but is not a requirement. Full training/support will be given. Role Description : Tweeddale Youth Action is a third sector youth organisation and charity that gives young people a safe alternative to bus stops and street corners. From our youth clubs in Peebles and Innerleithen we offer young people a wide programme of youth work opportunities, from casual access evening drop-in sessions to structured learning programmes that now include Food Punks income generating project and Bike Punks metal workshop among much else. Our current Treasurer is stepping down and we are looking for a new Treasurer to help us continue to move forward as we grow and work towards greater financial security and sustainability. The Treasurer’s role is to have oversight of TYA’s income and expenditure and to provide an extra layer of scrutiny as required by charity law. The minimum requirement is a commitment to: Attending monthly Board meetings where you will keep TYA Trustees up to date with our finances. Authorising spend, including payroll through our business bank account. Informing financial decisions and strategies. The time commitment is approximately 6-10 hours per month and there is no minimum commitment period, although it is expected that the Treasurer would be in post for at least one year. We currently have 6 Trustees on our Board, all with expertise and experience in different areas. The one thing they all have in common is a desire to ensure young people are able to access the information and opportunities that help them make informed decisions, reach their potential and make healthy transitions to adulthood. TYA is in a strong financial position and we are a progressive, forward looking organisation with an exciting future ahead . Joining our Board and giving your time and the benefit of your experience will help our organisation and future cohorts of young people.