Annandale Community Transport Services Ltd.

Charity registered in Scotland SC029660

To assist community and voluntary groups in Annandale with their transport needs.
The provision of community transport and other services for the inhabitants of Annandale and the surrounding areas in need by reason of disablement, poverty, social or economic circumstances

Current opportunities

Annandale Community Transport operate 4 cars and 4 mini buses to provide transport to residents to hospital appointments both with in the the region and further afield. Board Directors are responsible for the running of the organisation and ensuring that ACTS is properly managed and provides the service it was set up to deliver.

Annandale Community Transport Service have 4 community cars (including 1 electric) used to transport residents to routine hospital appointments across the region and out with as required including Glasgow, Edinburgh and Carlisle. ACTS also run 4 mini buses which require volunteer drivers.