Oxfam (Dumfries & Galloway)

Charity registered in Scotland SC039042

Oxfam relies on the commitment, hard work and enthusiasm of our volunteers. Oxfam is committed to raising money to help overcome poverty and suffering. Our volunteer policy ensures your time and efforts are fully recognised and valued.

Current opportunity

As a Retail Volunteer you will learn all about what goes into making our fantastic shop thrive. You can keep busy in the stockroom sorting and checking donations or be on the shop floor, serving customers and putting stock out on sale. Whatever suits you! Best of all you’ll be raising vital funds to support people facing poverty around the world. You can focus on any part of volunteering that interests you the most. As a Retail Volunteer you’ll develop skills that boost your confidence. Why not try a bit of everything? Sorting donations including checking and pricing. Serving customers on the till. Create stylish window displays. Online Sales. Keeping the shop fully stocked. Helping donors as they come in