Mid-Lin Day Care ltd

Charity registered in Scotland SC034269

Our main aim is to assist in alleviating social isolation and loneliness and offer a supportive environment and work to offer a wide range of social activities and events - all designed to encourage adults and older people to lead happy, independent lives. This can impact on people’s lives by improving confidence, by encouraging interaction and contributing to the making and sustaining of friendships. A nutritious three course meal which is cooked on the premises also assists in meeting the dietary needs of service users who attend.

The Day Service also supports carers to enable them to take a break from the caring role in knowing that there loved one is being supported.

Current opportunities

Volunteers will be given the opportunity to assist the cook with general kitchen duties, some food preparation, the serving of meals and basic kitchen hygiene. All volunteers will receive training and are required to complete a course at Elementary Food Hygiene Level 1. On arrival at the kitchen, based at Mid-Lin Day Centre, the volunteer will be asked to help prepare the lunch time meal. This will involve basic food preparation e.g peeling potatoes, chopping onions etc. Depending on each volunteer's skills they may be asked to make soup or assist with a sweet course. The volunteer will assist the cook with kitchen hygiene duties. They may be asked to assist with the preparation of foods for the afternoon snack or next day’s menu. This may include home baking etc. No volunteer will be asked to make anything out of his/her comfort zone. Each volunteer will be encouraged to develop his/her skills within the kitchen environment. As confidence grows the volunteer may offer to assist the cook with more tasks but we would like to stress that there is no pressure to take on more responsibility than they feel comfortable with. Volunteers will be encouraged to obtain a Moving & Handling and a First Aid qualification. Volunteers should read notice boards for updates regarding training or fundraising activities.

The Company Secretary will the person whose job it is to pull together the: Agenda for the board Deal with all email and correspondence Assist the Chair person when required with various light administration Set dates/ Invitations for meetings and AGM’S Keep up to date with logging on new board members Advise the board when legislation changes etc and arrange for our Articles to be updated through legal channels Ensure that all board members are registered with Companies House

As a Director/Charity Trustee you will join other Directors with varying skilsl, knowledge & expertise. The Board provides strategic leadership and governance for the charity, members and beneficiaries. Principle responsibilities include: Proper and appropriate use of funds and ensuring funders' needs and obligations are met; Ensuring financial stability through active fundraising participation; Ensuring the organisation complies with its Articles of Association; Compliance with relevant legislation. e.g Care Inspectorate, OSCR, Companies House etc.; Protect and manage the property of the organisation; and Appoint and support employees, where the need arises. Use specific knowledge or experience to help the Board reach sound business decisions through attendance and participation at board meetings and follow up sub-committee meetings. Participate in other tasks when required to meet the needs of the organisation. In addition, there are several roles where staff or Board responsibilities are nor clearly defined but rather a joint one eg. Promoting the organisation.

On arrival at our centre, Social Care Assistants can assist with tidying the centre, help prepare daily activities and read volunteer notice board for any updates regarding daily rota assigned tasks. On arrival/departure of service users, carers are to meet the bus in the car park and assist with the safe exit/entry of service users. Patience is required as some of the Service Users have mobility problems. Once our service users are seated, coats are to be collected and placed on corresponding hook in the cloak room. Introduce yourself to services users at allocated lunch table, reading the menu together and filling in appropriate paperwork. To assist if required with cutting food, pouring liquids, or visits to the toilet etc. Help with daily activities and afternoon tea while assisting escorts prepare for the homeward journey. A general tidy of hall in preparation for next day would assist others. Some of our Service Users have dementia problems, others physical disabilities. For some each day is very similar, with little meaningful contact with other people. We seek to change that by introducing a programme of activities which will help to improve self confidence, mobility, social skills and general well being through learning new skills and engaging with others. We are looking for people with enthusiasm, a sense of humour, good communication skills, experience of life, and an ability to teach or pass on skills (practical or creative) who would like to come in and share their skills with a group of approximately 30 people. Activities can be tailored to individual interests and may involve smaller groups as one or more activity can take place daily. We are always open to suggestions. Once in post, with volunteer consent, we will apply for an I.L.A. (Individual Learning Account) to pay the cost of these courses. Volunteer should read the notice board for updates regarding training or fundraising activities.