Hearing Voices Network Dundee (SCIO)

Charity registered in Scotland SC047597

To gather information about voices in order to help understand more about what the experience means. To develop ways to help people cope successfully with their voices, awareness raising in society. To bring voice hearers together to share experiences and ways of coping with their voices in a safe environment.

Current opportunities

This role is to support staff in our community café and our aim is that our volunteers can: • Assist with the preparation of meals and snacks for service users with guidelines laid down by staff. • To understand the need to promote independence, dignity, and choice for all, treating everyone with respect.

We are looking for a committed volunteers to be part of our befriending service. The volunteer should be kind, compassionate and have a genuine interest in spending time with Voice Hearers, to help them engage positively in their communities. Full duties and time commitment will be discussed and agreed at the initial meeting.

As a Drop-In volunteer, you will be here to support and socialise with the service users who are using the service on that day. Sometimes someone just needs someone to sit and have a cup of tea with them and your role would be to be that person. Our service is a drop-in centre, and our hope is our volunteers will interact with service users and make their experience here more enjoyable. This will help promote social inclusion, support positive interactions and building confidence for our service users.