The Basement Letham Youth Project

Charity registered in Scotland SC037468

A safe haven for youths to come and relax.

Current opportunities

We offer a safe space for young people to get together, chat and hang out. We are open every Friday evening 7-9pm. The Basement offers a big space, which is bright and airy, were young people can meet to catch up. No experience is needed, only lots of enthusiasm. You will always work alongside an experience member of the committee at each session. The volunteers work on a rota system so ther is no need to commit to being there evet Friday night, unless of course you want to!

The Basement Youth Group are looking for volunteers to support young people attending the youth club on Friday evenings from 7-9pm to enable them to put a rota of cover together with volunteers ideally only required to cover 2 nights per term. Volunteers will get involved with young people eg. arts, activities and trips however there is no high expectations other than to have fun, and be able to handle a bit of noise 😂 If you have considered volunteering a couple of hours of your time, please get in touch.