Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface

Charity registered in Scotland SC042543

Current opportunities

Since Universal Credit came online in Clackmannanshire, CTSI have employed an IT and Employability Trainer within their team, who has a focus on supporting claimants with the online system. This is done on a drop-in basis across the County. As demand for generalised IT support is growing as we emerge from the pandemic, CTSI recruits IT and digital support volunteers to assist in supporting people on a 1:1 basis. The volunteer will also be recording the client's name and what they assisted them with. Tasks may include: - Assisting with online job searches - Meet people 1:1 or through small groups while maintaining Covid restrictions - Help people build their confidence by walking through general IT tasks including: how to use Microsoft Word to write a CV or cover letter; setting up and/or using an email account etc. - Assist with CV/cover letters/job application forms - Supporting people to make their online claim for Universal Credit, and updating their online journal. **This role needs volunteers to have strong communication skills, not necessarily experts in IT hardware and programs.** This role will be based in various locations across the County, and so you would be able to choose the location(s) that suit you. CTSI are looking for a commitment of at least one session per week, which usually last between 1-3 hours (depending on the location). Applicants must provide two references.

People living well within supportive communities is at the heart of the local Health and Social Care Partnership’s aspirations. One of its priorities is to connect people to their neighbourhoods and communities, promoting good health and self-help. CTSI, SVE and partners are recruiting Volunteer Health Champions, who will already be a apart of a wider organisation, and be the named contact within to support colleagues who reachout. They could also help by taking someone to places where additional help can be got. The Health Champions will work together to develop local information resources for their organisations. Plus training will be provided by NHS Forth Valley on various health topics. CTSI would like to hear from anyone who is passionate about health and well-being issues and would like to develop their knowledge and gain experience in this area. For further information please contact Chris at CTSI: