Mind Your Head

Charity registered in Scotland SC038381

We are a Shetland based charity who promote mental health positively throughout Shetland.

We undertake a range of projects that include education and training delivery as well as awareness raising. Recent intiatives included the MYH Roadshow, a Young People's Mental Health Focus Day, an anti-stigma project in Brae called "Minders", delivery of Respect Me Anti-Bullying training to teaching staff, "Let's talk about suicide prevention" Roadshow in partnership with Choose Life as well as development work and the launch of our Real Life Stories project and a men's mental health campaign which will be launched later this Autumn.

Our annual Fun Run takes place on the last Sunday of August each year. This event is very important to us as it provides an apportunity for the community to come together for a fun event. Each year the numbers of people who engage in the event increases.

Current opportunity

TREASURER – MIND YOUR HEAD (SCIO) DESCRIPTION OF THE ROLE AND PERSON SPECIFICATION Introduction This job description sets out the particular duties and responsibilities that attach to the Treasurer of Mind Your Head. The responsibilities described here are additional to those set out in the Trustee Job Description. This job description will be used to appoint the Treasurer after each AGM or following resignation of the previous treasurer. Members who wish to be considered for this office will be invited to say how, if elected, they will carry out the duties that are set out here before any proposal or election takes place. Who are the charity’s trustees The Mind Your Head trustees are the board of directors, known as the trustee board, comprising: • The chair • The treasurer • The secretary • Up to 12 elected trustees The trustee board may also appoint a vice chair from among their trustees The role of the board of trustees The trustee board must always act in the best interests of Mind Your Head, exercising the same standard of duty of care that a prudent person would apply if looking after the affairs of someone for whom they have responsibility. The trustee board must act as a group and not as individuals. Specific Duties of a the Treasurer • Oversee the financial affairs of Mind Your Head, ensuring they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice • Being assured that the financial resources of Mind Your Head meet its present and future needs • Ensuring that there is an appropriate Reserves Policy to cover future needs • Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place, ie bank signatories, purchasing limits, salary payments, pensions, PAYE and NI payments and that the Reserves Policy is adhered to • Monitor and report to the Board on the financial health of Mind Your Head • Oversee the production of necessary financial reports/accounts and returns to OSCR • Liaise closely with the Chief Executive Officer and other Board Members to ensure the financial viability of the organisation • Oversee the production of up to date financial forecasting/budgets and report these regularly to the Board • Appraising the financial viability of plans, proposals and grant funding applications • Decide, in agreement with the Chief Executive Officer and Chair (and the Board if required) which grant funds should be applied for • Keeping the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities Minimum Time Commitment Trustees are expected to attend an induction session at Mind Your Head prior to their first Board Meeting (which may be done via any of the video platforms). Trustees are expected to attend all Board Meetings, which are held roughly 6-8 times per year in the evening, usually lasting around 2 hours per meeting. Further meetings may be called to deal with strategic or urgent matters and will usually be held at Market House in Lerwick or by Zoom Video Platform. Trustees will also be expected to become involved in fundraising. This might take the form of planning and arranging events. Realistically Trustees can expect to set aside a minimum of 2 full days across the year for this type of activity, but it may be more. In addition to this, the Treasurer will be expected to become more involved in operational issues, such as funding bids and other financial matters, and will be expected to work closely with the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair on a regular basis. Furthermore the Treasurer may be asked to represent Mind Your Head at meetings with potential funders or influencers. We estimate the equivalent of up to 1 day per month additional time commitment to that required by general trustees. The Treasurer may wish to become more fully involved in some operational issues such as promotional activities or other volunteer duties. The Treasurer is expected to be realistic about the time commitment involved. Person specification In addition to the attributes mentioned in the Trustee Job Description, the Treasurer must have: • Knowledge and experience of book-keeping and financial management • The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences • Preparedness to make recommendations to the Board, even if they may be unpopular • Willingness to be available to staff for advice and enquiries • Ability to communicate clearly Terms of Office The Treasurer will stand for a terms of five years, but can resign before the end of this set term. Any resignation must be in writing, with a month’s notice.