Royal Voluntary Service Shetland

Charity registered in Scotland SC038924

Our volunteers make a difference to the lives of people in their communities, helping them to live independently and with dignity or to others, caught up in emergencies and disasters. Providing much needed support and services to people who need them most e.g. accompanied shopping, p.o., banking trips, writing letters, filling in forms, reading, helping at social and/or lunch clubs, driving to appointments and clinics, hairdressers, supporting annual events e.g. Flu fairs, soup & sandwiches, Christmas party/lunch. Supporting Blue Light organisations in emergencies.

Current opportunities

This is an opportunity to work as part of a team, learn new skills and make new friends. The role consists of working with three other volunteers to serve lunches at our R.V.S Lunch Club held at Islesburgh daily. Islesburgh lunch club runs from Monday to Fridays and is open 12-1, Volunteers arrive in advance to set up tables and stay a short while after to clear away the tables. Duties include: Collecting orders / handling money / serving meals / setting up and clearing down tables / chatting with older people / offering dementia friendly support / reporting any concerns of an older persons welfare.

This is an opportunity to work with other volunteers to run Social Clubs at various locations throughout Shetland with support and guidance. Duties include: chatting with older adults / booking entertainment such a music, talks, photography / Organising activities such as board games / Arranging day trips for example visiting a museum / taking a register / handling money / reporting any concerns about an elderly person / booking transport. Volunteers arrive early to set up and stay to finish up any activity.

Our community transport service helps older people to get out and about when walking or public transport is not an option. Main duties include escorting clients from their home to the car and providing transport for a variety of reasons. These can be taking the client to visit family or friends, go to a lunch club, shopping or to an appointment. A friendly helpful approach is all that is needed. This role is flexible and depends on your availability.