Voluntary Action Shetland

Charity registered in Scotland SC017286

The Vision
A Strong, sustainable and Valued asset for Shetland, playing a leading role in Championing and Supporting Community needs

The Mission
To Support, Represent and Develop Community and Voluntary Action in Shetland

The Strapline
A single point of access for Support and Advice for the Third/Voluntary Sector

Current opportunity

Role of the Board The role of the Board is to provide oversight of the organisation, ensuring that VAS fulfils its duties and delivers on its vision, mission and strategic objectives. The Board will work closely with the operational team, who are responsible for achieving Board objectives. What’s involved? The positions on the Board are voluntary and unpaid. Directors are expected to attend Board meetings, currently every six weeks in the evenings (approx. two hrs), attend the AGM and be willing to represent VAS at occasional events. There is no set term of office but we aim to have Directors serve for at least one informal term of three years to allow for continuity. While our organisation needs a robust governance framework in place to guide its activities, being a member of the Board is not intended to be overly burdensome in either time or resource commitment. General Responsibilities The Board of Directors are both jointly and individually responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation, its financial health, its operational delivery, and for developing the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document, legal and regulatory guidelines.