Pet Fostering Service Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC015672

Pet Fostering Service Scotland (PFSS) provides short term emergency care for pet owners who are temporarily unable to care for their animals through illness or accident. PFSS does not operate a boarding centre or kennels but relies solely on volunteers who welcome the pet into their own home.

Current opportunity

Our Virtual Home Assessors play a vital role in delivery of our service by interviewing potential volunteer pet foster carers to assess their house, home situation and the fosterer. All of our home assessments are currently carried out either by telephone interview only (for cats,birds and small animals) or by video call (Zoom/WhatsApp) for dogs. You can choose to be involved in one or both of the methods available. You will be contacted by the Home Assessment Coordinator when a new applicant becomes available. Main tasks include; contacting the potential fosterer by telephone/email/text to arrange a suitable date and time for the home assessment to take place. Once confirmed to carry out the assessment by either telephone or video. A home assessment form will be provided to you for completion during the call which covers the criterias required by PFSS for the potential fosterer to be accepted. Once completed this form is then to be uploaded onto our database via our website volunteer team page.