CVS Falkirk & District

Charity registered in Scotland SC000312

CVS Falkirk is an independent, integrated charity which supports, develops and represents the third sector in the Falkirk area. We work with small groups and organisations to help them operate to best practice and provide information, support and training to achieve this. We proivde information and support to start up social enterprises as well as to organisations who want to be more socially enterprising. We also promote volunteering, improve the volunteering experience and to help organisations to recruit, retain and recognise volunteers and their volunteering commitment.

Current opportunity

CVS Falkirk & District are curating an exhibition 'Capturing Volunteer Stories, 1984-2024' which will be hosted at Arnotdale House between the 10th and 20th of September 2024! The exhibition showcases the amazing contributions made by volunteers over the last forty years, and the impact that they continue to make across Falkirk and District. To help with the running of the exhibition, we are looking for volunteers who share our passion for heritage and the third sector! Exhibition volunteers will support us by: meeting and greeting visitors to our temporary exhibition; offering further information and guidance; directing visitors to activities and information; helping supervise our tuck shop (pay what you can, to be donated to Cyrenians). As a volunteer you will add that extra spark to our exhibition and be part of a team that will contribute to enhancing our visitors’ experience! This is also a great opportunity to: develop your skills in teamwork, customer service and communication; gain experience in a heritage/visitor attraction; to meet like-minded people and be in a great team. If you would like further information then please do get in touch!