Spinal Injuries Scotland

Spinal Injuries Scotland is the national voluntary organisationconcerned with new and long-term spinal cord injured people, their relatives and friends, along with those involved in the managemen,tcare and rehabilitation of the injury.
Our charitable aim is "the advancement of health".
Spinal Injuries Scotland advances its charitable aim by channelling its efforts via the following three strands: SUPPORT - INFORM - INFLUENCE

  • To SUPPORT those coming to terms with SCI.
  • To INFORM those living with SCI.
  • To INFLUENCE decision-makers and designers as they shape the world for those with SCI
    We translate our efforts into action through directing the activity and contribution of our Directors, Staff and Volunteers to support our members. We will be there, "backing you for life", as you work towards your personal goals and physical, emotional and social health to live in a world that has changed, not ended.

Current opportunity

Role Summary: To support the work of Spinal Injuries Scotland (SIS) who are the national voluntary organisation concerned with helping new and long-term spinal cord injured people to see the possibilities of living life beyond their injury. Role Description : Your involvement as a volunteer will be focused – if a non-spinal cord injured person - on helping to organise monthly coffee meets for members within the Borders area. If you have a spinal cord injury yourself you will also have the opportunity to contribute to the discussions that take place, offering empathy and understanding as required. This opportunity offers volunteers an invaluable insight into the challenges faced by those living with a spinal cord injury as well as access to information about how these same challenges can be managed.