Dundee Stroke Exercise Club

Dundee Stroke Exercise Club collaborates with Leisure & Culture Dundee delivering life-changing classes across the city. We offer rehabilitation classes for all ages & abilities helping stroke survivors regain their confidence and fitness to help them on the road to recovery.

At Dundee Stroke Exercise Club all our classes are carried out with trained staff and an excellent group of volunteers (who are all stroke survivors) who help each individual realise that they are not alone.

Current opportunities

You’ll travel across Dundee and surrounding area to collect stroke clients wishing to attend exercise club, who would not be able to travel themselves. A stroke may have made their speech, balance or walking difficult, and having a friendly face travel with them will help reduce their self-awareness and give them confidence while chatting along the way. Their stroke rehabilitation and progress would be limited if they could not get out the house and attend the club where they meet other people going through the same experience. Your role is not simply to maintain their safety while in the bus. It is to welcome them back into the community again, at time that they are self-conscious about how they may look, sound or walk. For you, further opportunity maybe available to also help during the exercise club, giving you a sense of self-worth and “giving back”. A real sense of usefulness and purpose.

A unique opportunity to support stroke rehabilitation of club members within a gym whilst under supervision of a fitness instructor and physiotherapist. Stand close to members to keep their balance while they carry out a variety of supervised exercises during circuit training. To assist and encourage when balance, walking and stepping exercises are practiced. Engage in conversation to promote a light hearted atmosphere.