Aberdeen Fundraising Committee for The Leprosy Mission Scotland

Charity registered in Scotland SC022411

The Leprosy Mission Scotland is the Scottish partner in The Leprosy Mission Global Fellowship’s effort to defeat leprosy and transform lives. Everything we do in Scotland help us move towards our ultimate goal of making leprosy a thing of the past.

Current opportunity

This is a great opportunity to be involved with a Christian Medical charity to raise funds for a neglected tropical disease. Leprosy still exists in over 120 countries with approximately 200,000 new cases every year despite there being a cure. The group has been in existence in the local area for over 50 years. We meet 4 times per year to organise events eg coffee mornings, concerts, participating in sponsored walk such as the Kilt Walk and running events. Speaking opportunities are available to inform others of the charity. We have a good relationship with various local churches who support us and send in donations. You would be volunteering with a small group of friendly , welcoming people to use your ideas to participate in and enhance fundraising events. All new ideas for fundraising are always welcomed. We feel new members to the group would enhance and refresh what we do. A warm welcome is extended to attend a meeting to decide whether this is something you would enjoy and find as rewarding as we do. The Leprosy Mission Scotland ( Registered Scottish Charity SC022411 ) is part of The Leprosy Mission International. For more information/to help please contact Stella Anderson, Chair at email stellaanderson20@gmail.com or telephone 07946626568.