RNID (Scottish Borders, Greater Glasgow and Shetland Isles)

Current opportunities

Provide support and advice to NHS hearing aid users at our RNID “Near You” Hearing Aid Maintenance Clinics, helping with basic maintenance and support of hearing aids, replacing batteries and cleaning /replacing tubing. • attend our monthly drop-in support sessions for hearing aid users • undertake basic maintenance on hearing aids such as cleaning or changing tubing, ear moulds and filters and replacing batteries • offer practical support to optimise hearing aids • signpost other agencies that may be beneficial to the service user • monitor the number of visits carried out and feedback to the volunteer co-ordinator • complete relevant paperwork during support sessions • refer enquiries to RNID staff if you do not know the answer Full training and shadowing support option are provided as part of this volunteering opportunity

Provide information to local organisations and community groups to help raise awareness of RNID’s activities as well as other services and support available for deaf people and those with hearing loss and tinnitus. This role includes online presentations and face-to-face activities in your area. As a Community Volunteer, you will: • reach out to community groups, other charities, etc. to offer informative presentations or attend meetings to share insight into deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus • deliver talks, presentations online and face-to-face (depending on practicality) • set up RNID Information stands at various locations, including libraries, community centres and hospitals within your local area • ensure leaflets and equipment arrive at the venue in time, and pack up at the end of the event • promote the work of RNID and associated local services • respond to questions and enquiries from visitors and assist as appropriate • record any enquires that are out of your knowledge base and follow up accordingly • monitor the number of enquiries at each event and feedback in a timely manner • be proactive in sourcing venues for information stands Training and and ongoing support is provided at a local level for this role, with regular meetings between volunteers and project staff.

Help us offer a free, in-person drop-in service for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus, or want to get their hearing checked. RNID "Near You" volunteers do 6 main activities to help us make life fully inclusive for deaf people and people with hearing loss and tinnitus. You don’t have to do all 6 of these activities – you can pick the activities you find most interesting and match your skills and experience. Our volunteers support hearing aid users by cleaning their hearing aids and replacing batteries and tubing. They provide tips for getting the most from hearing aids. Don’t worry if you don’t have experience maintaining hearing aids. We give our volunteers full training so they’re knowledgeable and confident setting up and using the hearing aid maintenance kit.