Poppyscotland - Falkirk

Charity registered in Scotland SC014096

Poppyscotland provides life-changing support for the Armed Forces community in Scotland.

Current opportunity

Known as ‘Bud’, the 18-tonne truck transforms into an interactive mobile micro museum and travels across Scotland visiting schools and attending events across the country. To date Bud has visited most local authority area’s telling the story of the Poppy and the Lady Haig Poppy Factory and we are hoping to have visited all local authorities area’s by the end of 2022. Exhibits within the interactive mobile micro museum include historical artefacts, interactive displays and the moving stories of veterans and their families who have been supported by Poppyscotland. Visitors to Bud will also have the opportunity to make their own poppy using the same methods as the 34-stong team of disabled veterans at Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory in Edinburgh, who still hand-produce the three million poppies and 10’000 wreaths for the annual Scottish Poppy Appeal. We are seeking volunteers that we can call upon when Bud is in that area. The role of the Bud Heritage Volunteer is to meet and greet people as they arrive on Bud, to assist the outreach workers with any activities (if schools), show people around Bud (if an event) and encourage people to come on board at events. Volunteering on board Bud is a unique, interactive and fun opportunity to gain experience working with young people and our supporting staff with informative sessions and learning more about the work of Poppyscotland.