MCR Pathways

Charity registered in Scotland SC045816

MCR Pathways supports young people in or on the edges of the care system to realise their full potential. By providing relationship-based mentoring alongside employment and further & higher education experiences, young people are encouraged to discover and pursue their ambitions.

Current opportunity

MCR Pathways is a multi-award-winning mentoring programme helping Scotland’s care-experienced and vulnerable young people achieve the same educational outcomes, career opportunities and life chances as all other young people. At the core of the MCR Programme are 1 hour weekly in-school meetings between a young person and mentor, who listens and provides encouragement. MCR Mentors come from all walks of life and commit to supporting a young person in school for a minimum of a year, ideally two. They are trained and supported by MCR throughout the mentoring relationship. External research shows that MCR mentoring has made a significant and lasting impact on young people’s confidence and self-esteem, in addition to school staying-on rates, attainment and progression to positive destinations - college, university, and employment. Share an hour and support a young person to reach their potential. When one person mentors, two lives are changed. Get involved!