Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (Shetland)

SCCAN overall purpose: to support community-led action in Scotland to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.
SCCAN / Transition Scotland Hub is a network of community groups and organisations. Our Purpose is to support community-led action to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.
We do this by:
-Enabling communications across the network e.g. through newsletters, opportunities for members to be part of participatory media projects, events, social media etc.
-Developing and sharing ideas and building capacity in our movement by organising events, gatherings, and trainings related to climate action across the country.
-Being involved with British, European and worldwide climate action networks and sharing best of practice with our membership
-Inspiring communities by providing online tools for networking, sharing of best practice, and showcasing projects between community groups and beyond.
-Communicating and developing the discourse of community climate action wherever possible including in Scottish Government (through meetings, consultations etc), across social media, through partnering with a wide range of organisations etc.
-Building understanding of the role and potential of communities in climate action within civil society by partnering and collaborating with other Scottish community networks (e.g. through Scottish Community Alliance), public sector, and business.
Our work is also directed by our values:
-Respect for resource limits
-Promotion of inclusivity and social justice
-Attention to individual wellbeing
-Open sharing of learning and responding to feedback
-Freely sharing ideas and power
-Collaborating and looking for synergies
-Being positive and creative

Events team outcomes for 2021/2022:
Supporting peer-to-peer networking and learning.
Building skills, capacity and resilience.

Current opportunity

This is an opportunity for someone with passion, commitment and drive to make a big difference to the way Scotland/your locality responds to climate change. The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN) is partnering with Climate for Change (C4C) to launch a brand new climate engagement program for Scotland – Climate Conversations. You will be one of our first facilitators and help SCCAN kickstart our program in Scotland. Facilitators are our agents of change. As a facilitator you will be part of a team that together will inspire hundreds of people throughout Scotland to stand up on climate change and move society and our leaders to action. Position Summary This is an exciting role for you to use your love of working with people to empower the community, and to drive a groundswell of community action on climate change. You will work with volunteer hosts who will invite 8 – 12 friends and family to attend a Climate Conversation online or in their home. At these events, you will present to them about climate change (using our prepared scripts), the urgency for action and facilitate discussion that leads to a commitment to take more effective action. Our mission is to create the social climate for effective climate action in Scotland. Key Responsibilities  Imparting the urgency and scale of climate change to the people invited by the friends and family of each host  Inspiring attendees to commit to taking effective action on climate change  Attending monthly Ongoing Facilitator Training (1 hour?)  Recruiting more people to join as hosts and facilitators  Administration and record keeping of your Conversations  Maintaining our a host database and your own activity spreadsheet  Evaluating Conversations and providing feedback for improvement