NAC New Scots

Current opportunities

 Homework Helper North Ayrshire Council’s Community Learning & Development Team works across North Ayrshire supporting new families to the area to successfully integrate. The Homework Helper role responds to an identified need within some families, where English is not the home language. Parents, therefore, may require additional support to help their school age children in their education. This is a new development in our work and the Homework Helper role may take two forms: Volunteering within specific after school homework clubs where there are enough children to enable a small group approach. 2. Volunteering to support individual children and families with homework within school or community venues.

North Ayrshire Council ESOL team are looking for volunteers for the role of Language Buddy, ideally based in Scotland. This role requires you to offer a couple of hours a week (flexible) to give English Conversation practice via zoom to our ESOL learners either in 1-1 or in small groups. This is a great way to gain work experience whilst providing opportunities to people with refugee experiences with their acquisition of English. You do not need to be a native English speaker; we actively welcome applications from people who have learned English as second language.

This role supports the integration of New Scots (mainly Syrian and Afghan refugees) into their local communities and can work on two levels: Community Connector – acting as a contact point for New Scots seeking local information, support or activities. Sharing your local knowledge with them and supporting them to build local social networks. Befriender – supporting individuals/specific families to integrate by accompanying them on local activities, groups etc and offering general support to enable them to settle successfully. The role may encompass one or both aspects.

This role works alongside the relevant Locality Link Workers and New Scots to support the successful development of a new Sustainable Growing project for New Scots, based in the shared space of Eglinton Park Community Gardens. It will provide additional expertise, guidance and physical handyman/gardening skills to assist in the preparation of areas for growing vegetables and flowers and ensure ongoing successful growth and harvesting. Time commitment: Tuesday and/or Wednesday mornings with some extra possible Main Tasks Vegetable & flower growing. Supporting New Scots to develop gardening skills. Making planters and structures as needed. Supporting the project’s collaborative role within the shared gardens