The Old Shop Bayble

The Old Shop Bayble is a volunteer run shop supporting reuse and waste prevention in the community.

A mixture of new specialty goods, eco products, crafts and nice old things to buy!
The Old Shop Bayble is the first initiative of "Roots for Low Impact Living", a Point community interest company serving the community and environment of Point.

Current opportunities

Social media/ photographer volunteer - Can you use Facebook and Instagram? Do you enjoy taking digital photos? We want to develop our social media page and would like volunteers to develop this area of work. If you have a couple of hours spare a week, could you photograph our stock and put onto social media for us? Get in touch!

Shop stock & display volunteers - If you’d rather be behind the scenes, you can volunteer at times when the shop is closed to help sort through stock, prepare and price items. Do you have any eye for style? Help us to style the shop. Review our stock regularly to keep the offer fresh and help create inspiring displays. Style our displays, mannequins and shop floor and help create fresh and exciting displays.

Retail volunteer - providing customer support, sales service and sort through donations whilst working in a friendly atmosphere, providing an extremely useful and appreciated service to our non-profit community interest company Roots for Low Impact Living C.I.C. which reinvests it's profits back into the community and supporting access to eco-friendly/sustainable products & lifestyles.