Portobello Older Peoples Project (East Lothian)

Charity registered in Scotland SC048384

Portobello Older Peoples Project is a n unregisteredlunch/social club that supports older people who live in the Portobello area. The aim is to reduce soclal isolation and support physical and psychological wellbeing

Current opportunity

Portobello Older Peoples Project (known as POPP) is a small lunch/social club in Portobello. As part of the Wednesday team at POPP you will prepare the hall, provide a welcome (and a cuppa) when the members arrive and serve lunch. You will also support members to take part in activities such as quizzes, singing, reminiscence sessions and outings. Making time to chat is also an important part of the day. In addition, you will be part of a rota helping as an escort on the bus that bring the older people to the club and home again.